Quilt Pattern

Moon Glow Quilt Pattern

The Moon Glow Quilt Pattern is a beautiful quilting effect reminiscent of the moon shining in the sky. To make this pattern, you will need some supplies:

Necessary materials:

Colored fabrics of your choice (at least three different colors)
Fabric cutting ruler
Circular cutter or scissors
Sewing machine or needle and thread
cutting board
Step by step:

Choose Colors: Select three or more fabric colors that go well together. One of them will be the center color of the pattern (representing the moon) and the other two or more colors will be the background colors.

Cut the fabrics: Using the ruler and circular cutter (or scissors), cut strips of fabric of equal widths. For example, you could cut strips that are 2.5 inches wide in each of your chosen colors.

  Other Free Quilt Patterns

Cut the strips into squares: Now, take the fabric strips and cut them into squares of the same size. For example, cut squares 2.5 inches wide to make a small Moon Glow pattern.

Assemble the pattern: Now start assembling the pattern on your table or work surface. Place the center color square (moon) in the middle, then place the background color squares around it, forming a circle.

Sew the pieces: With the squares organized, grab the sewing machine or needle and thread and start sewing the squares together in rows. Then join the rows to form the complete pattern.

Press the seams: Use the iron to gently press the seams, leaving the work neater and the squares well laid.

Finishing: When your Moon Glow Quilt is complete, check that all seams are secure and the pattern is well assembled. If necessary, make some adjustments.

And ready! You now have your own Moon Glow Quilt Pattern. This is a creative and relaxing project, perfect for anyone who enjoys crafts and sewing. Remember to have fun and use your creativity to experiment with different combinations of colors and sizes to create a unique and stunning quilt!

Access the free quilt pattern / Moon Glow Quilt Pattern

If you liked this quilt model, but still want to see more options, below I’ll leave some news for you:

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We wish all our readers a great week full of God’s blessings in their homes, with good health, peace and prosperity and of course, lots of enthusiasm and creativity to start another piece of quilt, with wonderful colors.
These are Crochet Today wishes for you!

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